Reno Time!

A client wanted to grow veggies in her front garden and dog-proof her back garden.  Her yard had wooden raised beds that were falling part already, so the reno involved some deconstruction as well as construction.


She and I worked together on the design.  We spent time going over what she wanted and what I thought would work.  We settled on some basic sketches that made sense to both of us.  As the work progressed, we adjusted our plan as necessary.

Here is the finished front garden, with the wavy flower/veggie beds and the cedar veggie box.  As spring has progressed, the veggie bed has come alive with peas, beets and carrots, while the flower bed has all but filled in with blossoms and foliage.  The neighbours are all delighted to see such a wonderful, productive garden and the kids get to experience growing veggies and flowers!


Here is the back garden facing right. The client and I put our heads together on the back yard reno too.  Recently, she added an ornamental metal fence around the raspberries, and covered the straw with compost, to discourage the dog from urinating on the straw.  The berry plants were being poisoned by too much nitrogen.


Here is the back garden facing left.  The outdoor table is now centred in the open area.


Now the back yard is easily kept hosed clean, the plants are safe from the dog, and the client is thrilled!

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