I took out a cherry tree!

Sometimes, people wonder if I am up to the task at hand.  Sometimes I do too!  However, it's surprising what I CAN (and can't) do. 

For instance, recently, I took out a cherry tree - roots and all.  It's owner lost the war against racoons and birds he'd been waging for many years.  Although the cherries from the tree had been wonderful, he'd hardly had any left to him from these garden pests.  So, he had me remove it.  It took a couple of hours, but it was not as hard as you'd think.  The roots were quite soft, so once I'd dug the soil away (soaking the soil was essential), it was simple to cut the roots and free the main tree.  Turns out that cherry trees don't develop a tap root, thank goodness!  After felling the tree and digging out the roots, I leveled the ground and moved the tree to an out of the way place where I will cut it up for disposal later.



Interestingly, something I couldn't do was dig out an old rhododendron.  It's growing by a concrete wall, and there was no way I could budge the roots at all.

Basically, I can do a lot of heavy work, some things amazing, some things defeating, but it's worth a try.

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